Eclectic and distinguished panelists from the public and private sectors will share insights and experiences.
Exploring the creation and sustainability of favourable economic environments for businesses amidst rapid city development.
Moderator: Teri Smith, Executive Director, West End BIA
Discussing how small business priorities align with city and regional economic development strategies.
Moderator: Angela Evans, Executive Director, Collingwood BIA
Director of Small Business Navigation,
Seattle Office of Economic Development
Senior Vice President and Chief Communications Officer,
Visit Seattle
Integrating economic development priorities into city planning processes.
Moderator: Patricia Barnes, Executive Director, East Village BIA
Former Planner and BIA Program Coordinator,
City of Vancouver;
Chair, Bowen Island Heritage Commission
Principal, WELL Strategies;
Director of Development, Metro Vancouver Regional Parks Foundation;
Former City of Vancouver Councillor
Defining effective private and public partnerships and understanding the unique role of BIAs in future economic development.
Moderator: Nathan Caddell, Editor-in-Chief,
BC Business, Canada Wide Media
Executive Director,
Hastings North BIA (East Village)
Executive Director,
Hastings Crossing BIA
Director, Business Planning and Project Support,
City of Vancouver
Executive Director,
Gastown BIA
Executive Director,
Mount Pleasant BIA