We kicked off 2022 with a celebration of local eats, shops and services in Vancouver, through engaging features and fun contests @shoplocaloftenvancouver.
See below for more details. Heartfelt thanks to the BC Chamber of Commerce for the campaign support, and to you for supporting local!
WHAT: We are a city wide campaign created to promote shopping local and supporting local businesses in Vancouver, BC.
WHO: Supported by the Vancouver BIA Partnership and the BC Chamber of Commerce.
WHERE: Vancouver, BC! Take a look at our story highlights on Instagram for a full list of participating neighbourhoods - from Point Grey to East Village and everywhere in between.
WHEN: The contest runs from Jan 1st to Feb 13th, 2022 but we encourage you to shop local today, tomorrow, often and always!
WHY: Keeping dollars close to home will stimulate the community, create more jobs and strengthen the economic base of our city. Follow along for more facts about how shopping local supports your community!
HOW: We are spreading the #ShopLocalOften message in a variety of ways. From busses and art installations to the contest @shoplocaloftenvancouver - look out for these colourful installations and share them with us!
WATCH AND SHARE! Check out our Shop Local Often video highlighting various neighbourhoods and local merchants around the City. Thank you for supporting local often!
#shoplocaloften #shoplocal #explorebc #shopsmall #smallbiz #supportlocal #biabc #vancouverbc